In order to enter into certain professions, a person must first obtain a license. There are normally a few steps that a person must undertake to obtain that license. Frequently, one of the requirements for a professional license is an exam which tests the subject matter relevant to that profession as a lawyer, doctor, or nurse. Another requirement of many professional licenses is character fitness. In order to obtain a license, the applicant must be of good moral character. One of the easiest and quickest ways for a licensing body to ascertain whether an applicant has good moral character is through a background check of criminal history. A conviction for certain crimes may make an individual unable to obtain a license in a certain field. The most serious crimes like murder, rape and arson are ubiquitous disqualifications, but a conviction for Battery Domestic Violence is also likely to make it difficult to obtain a license. Battery Domestic Violence will most likely be considered a crime regarding moral turpitude. In Nevada, there are provisions for excluding applicants from obtaining licenses who have convictions relating to crimes involving moral turpitude for architects, contractors, nurses, accountants, physicians, nurses, lawyers, dentists, and a number of others. This makes it imperative to retain competent counsel to defend against charges of Battery Domestic Violence if you have any desire to obtain a professional license in the future or keep a current license. In many cases, it is possible to keep your record clean, so there is little to no effect on a professional license. Also, even if you have a criminal conviction, it may be possible to present mitigating evidence to a licensing board regarding the conviction, so you are still eligible to receive the license.
If you have been charged with Battery, Battery Domestic Violence, or any crime related to a Domestic incident; if a TPO has been issued against you; or your professional license is at risk for an allegation or conviction, please visit
Domestic Violence is a serious societal problem, but Defendants must be afforded a competent, effective defense. This blog is prepared by Lawyers who have over 30 years of experience, and discusses issues in Domestic Violence cases mostly from a defense perspective. This blog also concentrates on Nevada law and legal situations that arise in the Clark County area, i.e. Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Laughlin. Email for a FREE consultation.