In a Battery Domestic Violence case, are there differences in the defense strategy if you are charged in the City of Las Vegas, Henderson, or North Las Vegas versus Clark County? Yes, there are many differences, but one I would like to point out today is the mindset of the a prosecutor in municipal court versus county court with regard to severity of the crime allegedly committed. There is an inherent value assigned to cases by prosecutors and defense attorneys. It is human nature to assign these values. For the most part, prosecutors in Clark County deal with felony, gross misdemeanor, and misdemeanor cases. They see bloody, violent, nasty cases, and they see disputes with little violence and no harm. Prosecutors in Municipal Court see only misdemeanors, which are not as bloody or nasty. In Municipal Court, the worst thing you could be convicted of is Battery Domestic Violence. In County Court, you can get the death penalty for first degree murder. The mindset can be different in the two forums and must be taken into account.
If you have been charged with Battery, Battery Domestic Violence, or any other related crime; or if a TPO has been issued against you, please visit
Domestic Violence is a serious societal problem, but Defendants must be afforded a competent, effective defense. This blog is prepared by Lawyers who have over 30 years of experience, and discusses issues in Domestic Violence cases mostly from a defense perspective. This blog also concentrates on Nevada law and legal situations that arise in the Clark County area, i.e. Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Laughlin. Email for a FREE consultation.
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