Many times in cases of physicality between persons with a Domestic Relationship, both parties suffer injuries. This is sometimes called mutual physicality. Some of these injuries can be seen with the naked eye like cuts, bruises, and scratches. If police are summoned to investigate an instance of Domestic Battery, many times all of the visual injuries are not documented. This can be for many reasons. Sometimes it is because of the police officers and the way they decide to investigate the situation. Sometimes it is because one of the parties withholds evidence from the police to protect themselves or the other party. Sometimes visual injuries appear after the investigation is complete. Nonetheless, some injuries are documented by officers, and some are not. It is very important that all of the injuries be documented by photograph. Even if officers have taken photographs, it is better to be redundant and take more photos.
If you have been charged with Battery, Battery Domestic Violence, or any crime related to a Domestic incident, or if a TPO has been issued against you, please visit for help.
Domestic Violence is a serious societal problem, but Defendants must be afforded a competent, effective defense. This blog is prepared by Lawyers who have over 30 years of experience, and discusses issues in Domestic Violence cases mostly from a defense perspective. This blog also concentrates on Nevada law and legal situations that arise in the Clark County area, i.e. Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Boulder City, and Laughlin. Email for a FREE consultation.
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